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Hello and welcome. I’m Ned Martin. Ever spent a long time finding the answer to something? I have, and when I do, I put it here in the hope that it might help someone else—plus, if I ever need it again… I know where to look.
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Fixing Error 720 On An SsTP VPN
Fixing Error 720 on a Server 2008/2008 R2 Secure Socket Tunnelling Protocol (SSTP) VPN.
Map Keystrokes Ctrl + Tab And Ctrl + Shift + Tab To Microsoft Intellimouse Buttons
Ever wanted to map a mouse button to a character you can’t enter into the Intellimouse/Intellipoint control panel, such as the Tab key? Here’s how.
Delete Photos Without Descriptions From Google Photos
How to delete photos without descriptions from Google Photos using a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script.
How To Delete Mac Hidden Files From Windows
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Enabling Digital Audio S/PDIF Pass –Through Via HDMI On DisplayPort
How to send digital S/PDIF surround sound to an HDMI device via the DisplayPort on a Dell Latitude E6500..
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Send An Email To All Group Managers Via A Reactive Rule In Drupal 7
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Songs From Gossip Girl’s Pilot Episode
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“Insufficient Storage Available” When Installing Updates
How to fix a problem where you receive an “Insufficient Storage Available” error when installing or upgrading apps on your Samsung Android mobile.
Prevent Caching Of Dynamic Web Pages
How to prevent caching of web pages using PHP.
Get An External USB Audio DAC Working On Raspberry Pi
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How To Register For GST If You Already Have An ABN (in Australia)
How to register for GST using the Australian Government’s/Australian Taxation Office’s ATO online Business Portal when you already have an ABN and an AUSKey.
How To Fix Windows 7 Bug Where “thumbs.db” Prevents Renaming Or Deleting Most Recently Viewed Folder
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Negative Delta Time Error In Dual-core Based Systems
Experiencing the error “Negative delta time!” when playing Unreal Tournament or a game based on its engine, on a dual-core processor, and/or under Windows XP/Vista?